3 Ways to Keep a House Clean with a New Born {Guest Post}

I'm so excited to bring you Edna Thompson's guest post today!  I know first hand that attempting a clean home with a new-born in tow is a difficult task. And I can only wish that I found Edna's tips back when I was drowning in baby bottles, unfolded laundry, and dusty furniture. So read on! Hopefully, some of these will help you keep some semblance of a clean home while spending time with your precious new addition. 

With the arrival of a baby, the lives of the parents always change drastically. No matter how hard you try, sometimes you won't have enough time to clean the bathroom, wash the dishes or finish some of your cleaning chores. There is no need to worry because now you have different priorities and your baby is certainly the most important one. There is still a way to get everything done; you just have to get organized and start planning your time more carefully. Here are some tips that may help:

Manage your time wisely – This is certainly rule number one when you have little time and a lot of things to do. Make a list of all the cleaning tasks you have to do and distribute them throughout the week. Based on your free time, you can do a certain task each day to avoid having  to do everything at the end of the week.

Start using only eco-friendly products – The safety of your baby is the most important thing. Therefore,  it is a good idea to collect all store-bought cleaning supplies you keep in your home and dispose of them. The chemicals that those supplies contain can be dangerous not only for the health of your child, but also for yours as well. Instead replace them with  eco-friendly cleaners that are still effective for your everyday cleaning needs.  You can make your own solutions too, using nothing more but white vinegar, baking soda, essential oils and other natural ingredients.

Multitasking – The sooner you learn to do several things at the same time, the better. This will be a very useful skill now and in the future, since you will no longer have a lot of free time. You have to be able to use every minute effectively, so multitasking is one of the best strategies. For instance, while you are waiting for a load of wash to finish, you can take care of the dishes in the sink or of the dusting. When your baby is sleeping, you can do a lot of things around the house too, so don't hesitate to take advantage of every free minute you have.

Entertain the baby while cleaning – Unfortunately, there will be moments when you will have to clean the mess in the kitchen or do something else, while you also take care of your baby. There is no need to worry, however. Just turn the cleaning into a fun game that will be entertaining for your little one. You can play with the clothes while you fold the laundry, for instance. Anything that will allow you to finish with your work while also entertaining your baby is well worth it. 

With good organization and a little planning, you will be able to finish all of your cleaning for the day while also taking care of your newborn. Take into consideration the previously mentioned tips and you will maintain the cleanliness of your home now and in the future. Don't hesitate to experiment and try different methods for coping with the many cleaning chores even with the limited free time.

About the author: Edna Thomson writes for TidyCleaning Acton  and is a mommy of a wonderful baby boy who is just starting to crawl.  She finds it very important to keep the house in flawless condition.


  1. Once I had kids, my idea of what I considered clean changed completely! I've learned just to accept some of the mess (though I have to admit, it does still drive me nuts at times). These are great tips...especially the one about managing time wisely!
    Visiting from Ladies Collective

  2. These are great tips! It gets even harder once the baby is a toddler / child ha ha xx

  3. I remember eating off of plastic plates the first few days! That is the ultimate lazy answer to the problem. Pick your battles as far as housework with a newborn was the route i ended up taking. All great tips here #MMWBH

  4. I really like these tips and with a 10mth old and another on the way they are handy #MMWBH

  5. These are great tips, I wish I was more on top of tidying/organisation but it is hard with baby. I do try though! #mmwbh


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